Childish Faith
Dear life-changer,
On a call with my mother the other day she said, “Rachel the children just keep coming!” We have to do something more for and with them! I thought, “yup she’s right BUT what?!” The truth is funds are limited, the need is great, and the options are few.
Our vision is to build a clinic and community center where we can ensure the comprehensive wellness of the people and most importantly the children entrusted to us. There are times when I think about the work ahead of us and doubt creeps in. Can we really do this? There are so many uncontrollable variables. As you may know, Haiti is not the easiest island to work on (economic & political instability and constant natural disasters).
But when we look at the faces of the children, how can we let that stop us? We mustn’t. I mean if not us, WHO (quite literally) but HOW?
And, then I am reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:3:
“Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child, will not enter it!”
In short, when it comes to the Kingdom of God, we must let the mind of a child lead the way. We must quiet our adult minds that always want to calculate the dollars, figure out the logistics, weigh the pros and cons and do a cost-benefit analysis. We must adopt a childlike faith and confidence that God can and will.
Well, we are headed back to Haiti in July for a special Moving Haiti Forward: Back to School Edition.
We hope you can help us by making a small investment in our childish faith for a clinic and community center for the people and children in Les Cayes, Haiti. Click here to learn how. Thank you in advance for your support!